Glandex - Boot the Scoot!™ Veterinarian Recommended for Dog Anal Glands - Free Shipping on Orders of $50 or More!

November 2015 "Henry"

November 03, 2015 0 Comments

November 2015 "Henry"

Henry Glandex Pet of the Month Nov 15

This handsome little boy is "Henry" a 5 year old Terrier and our November Glandex® Pet of the Month! This is what Henry's mom had to say about using Glandex® for him...

"When Henry was 4 I began to notice an awful smell in the area he had been sitting.   To my dismay I realized he was self expressing his anal glands!  I started him on Glandex and noticed a big improvement in about 2 weeks.  I continue to give it to him once a day and am so pleased to say THANK YOU for a great product!"  ~ Marilyn Jones