Glandex - Boot the Scoot!™ Veterinarian Recommended for Dog Anal Glands - Free Shipping on Orders of $50 or More!

May 2017 "Abby" - Anal Gland Success Case #1

May 03, 2017 0 Comments

May 2017 "Abby"

Glandex May Anal Gland Pet of the month

This is Abby, a very sweet 8-year old Bichon Poodle Mix and one of our May 2017 Glandex® Pets of the Month!  This is what Abby's mom had to say about using Glandex for her...

"This product has made my dog much more comfortable on a daily basis. Prior to using it, she was often attempting to express her glands by scooting on any and all surfaces. We have been using Glandex for over a year and she is 100% better and we no longer have to have a vet express her glands. Thank you Glandex for making Abby, happy again."  Deb McKenzie & Abby

Additional Info About Abby (from her mom)
She loves playing on the beach and rubbing her face in the sand.  She thinks she is a border collie as she constantly herds us in the backyard.