This is Julep and she is a 1 ½ year old Goldendoddle and one of our October 2017 Glandex Pets of the Month! This is what Julep’s mom had to say about using Glandex for her…
It works!
"Have been using powdered Glandex for a little over a month now and it's working wonderfully!! Was to the point that I thought my one and a half year old dog might have to have her glands surgically removed but Glandex has worked remarkably well. Would highly recommend to anyone who's dog has anal gland issues. This product really WORKS!" Michelle Boullion & Julep
Fun Fact : Julep is also known as Princess Pretty. In being a princess not only does she need to look beautiful but she needs to smell good too. Glandex has corrected her anal gland issues so now she looks and smells like Princess Pretty all the time!